Australia - South Australia Council Elections

This election gives all citizens, regardless of wealth, a fair shot to be heard and participate in every step of the democratic process

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Council elections

The most recent periodic council elections were held in November 2018. The next council elections will take place during November 2022.

In South Australia, council elections are held every four years for all 68 councils except the Municipal Council of Roxby Downs, which operates under its own administration.

Council elections allow voters the opportunity to choose who they wish to represent them on council. - Posted on : 08-January-2019

Voting at Council Meetings

Decisions at Council meetings are decided by a majority of the votes of the Councillors present. This is called a "deliberative vote". Voting is generally by a show of hands. Each Councillor must vote on all matters, except for the Mayor or in cases where a Council Member has an interest in the matter being decided - this is called a "conflict of interest".

The Mayor does not have a deliberative vote. However, if the numbers voting for and against are even then the Mayor has a "casting vote" which enables a decision to be made.

Where a Council has a Chairperson, the Chairperson votes on a question at the same time as other Council Members. That is, a Chairperson has a deliberative vote but not a casting vote. - Posted on : 16-August-2018

2018 Council elections

Local Council elections for South Australia will be held during October and November 2018. These will be conducted by Electoral Commission SA.

The elections will be for 637 councillor positions and 52 mayoral positions in 67 metropolitan and regional councils.

This page provides information on how to update your enrolment details and how to vote in the council elections.

If you are interested in standing as a candidate in your local council area you will find links to information for candidates below including how to nominate for your council. - Posted on : 16-June-2018

Frequently Asked Questions

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