This election gives all citizens, regardless of wealth, a fair shot to be heard and participate in every step of the democratic process
Wow State govemnrent is the local area govemnrent which is responsible for some things of local and area concern. The Federal govemnrent deals mainly with National things and other countries. A simple example the state may have rules and so on for an Airport. but when you want to fly to the next one that is the federal govemnrents part. A more accurate difference the state patrol handles law enforcement in the state but if the bad guy goes to the next state then the Federal Police (FBI) now get involved. The federal parliament is the legislative part of the govemnrent they are the part that makes the laws. A parliamentary republic. A country that is a republic and has a parliamentary system in its legislative system. Republic a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. Parliamentary system is a system of democratic govemnrent in which the ministers of the Executive Branch derive their legitimacy from and are accountable to a Legislature or parliament; the Executive and Legislative branches are interconnected. If the United States President had all members of his cabinet also for example members of the house of representatives. That would be a parliamentary republic. The secretary of whatever needs to win the election in his home district. before he sits at the cabinet table. Canada has a Federal Parliament the difference The leader is not separate like the President but he too is a member of the house and needs to win his home district. The position of the Leader of the party with the most seats in the house becomes the Prime Minister.(President) By tradition if the Prime Minister presents a new bill to the house to be voted on and it is voted NO he should resign and there is a new election. He does not get voted down very often as his cabinet members would also have to go for election too. As he is the leader of the majority party most often he gets his New law voted yes. PS they all spend TOO MUCH money. - Posted on : 12-September-2014