Pakistan - Cantonment Board Malir

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PTIs great victory in Cantonment Board Malir election too !!!

The worst defeat for the PPP by winning 6 out of 10 seats, the people have sealed the failure of the Sindh government by voting for the PTI in large numbers. Jamil Ahmed, an elected MNA from Malir, continued to celebrate with the workers till late last night.
Karachi only belonged to the captain and will remain so inshallah ...! - Posted on : 13-September-2021

Malir cantt CEO told to provide builder NoC approvals

The Malir cantonment board’s CEO has been directed to provide information on a project called Shanzil Exclusive by M/S Ukasha Associates after a man who bought an apartment in it challenged the way the builder had operated.

Capt Omair Ismail Brohi went to the Right to Information Commission where citizens can ask for information from public bodies. In his RTI request, he said that he had repeatedly asked the Malir cantt board CEO for information on how they approved the building and municipal plans granted to Ukasha.

This case is a sobering reminder of how the construction industry works in Karachi and where regulatory mechanisms are thin. This story provides a few warnings for anyone who is thinking of buying an apartment. - Posted on : 28-January-2021

Mama Feet

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