Sweden Elections

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Upcoming & Fresh Elections

Following is the list of upcoming election(s) in Sweden that will be held in near future. You may click on the election name to view detail about the election of your choice. You may also post updates and your comments on these elections

Previous Older Elections

Following is the list of previous election(s) in Sweden. You may click on the election name to view detail about the election of your choice. You may also post updates and your comments on these elections

Swedish Parliament

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House of Assembly

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The Riksdag until the election

Members of the Riksdag will continue their parliamentary business during the summer in their home communities. Throughout the summer they have the opportunity to address written questions to Government ministers. After the election, the new Riksdag will meet on 24 September for a roll-call. The 2018/19 Riksdag session will open on 25 September. Guided tours of the Riksdag will be held over the summer in English on weekdays: Monday to Friday 12 noon and 1, 2 and 3 p.m. The Riksdag Library is closed and will open again on 3 September. - Posted on : 02-August-2018

The delegation to the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe works to create a set of common fundamental principles based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Sweden was one of the founders of the Council of Europe and its parliamentary assembly over 60 years ago.

The Council of Europe was established in 1949 and has 47 member states today. Only countries with a democratic form of government are granted membership.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) works with virtually all matters dealt with by the national parliaments, with the exception of defence issues. Democracy and human rights are the core areas dealt with by the Council of Europe but topical political issues are gaining increasing attention. With its 211 conventions, which the member states are obliged to follow, the Council of Europe plays an important role in setting standards for European policies today. One of the best known conventions is the European Convention on Human Rights. - Posted on : 02-August-2018


Members and parties

The Riksdag has 349 members who are elected every four years. To be able to stand for election, you need to be entitled to vote in the parliamentary elections yourself and you must be nominated by a political party. Eight political parties are represented in the Riksdag during the 2014-2018 electoral period. - Posted on : 02-August-2018

Political parties in Sweden

Political parties are strong in Sweden, with members of the Riksdag usually supporting their parties in parliamentary votes. In most cases, governments can command the support of the majority in the Riksdag, allowing the government to control the parliamentary agenda.

No single party has won a majority in the Riksdag since 1968. Political parties with similar agendas consequently cooperate on several issues, forming coalition governments or other formalized alliances. Two major blocs exist in parliament, the socialist/green Red-Greens and the conservative/liberal Alliance for Sweden. The latter-consisting of the Moderate Party, Liberal, Centre Party, and Christian Democrats-governed Sweden from 2006 through most of 2014 (after 2010 through a minority government). The Red-Greens combination disbanded on 26 October 2010 but continued to be considered the main opposition until the 2014 election. After that election the Social Democrats and the Green Party formed a government, with support from the Left Party, which takes part in budget negotiations with the government.

The Sweden Democrats party is not a member of either bloc. During the Alliance government the Sweden Democrats sided with the Alliance in most votes. After the Social Democrats took power in 2014 the Sweden Democrats have sided with the center-left government in most votes. - Posted on : 27-July-2018

Riksdag-the supreme decision-making body of Sweden

The Riksdag is the national legislature and the supreme decision-making body of Sweden. In addition to Sweden's parliament, it is also used for the Parliament of Finland and the Estonian Riigikogu, as well as the historical German.
Total Seats‎: ‎349
Last election‎: ‎14 September 2014
Next election‎: ‎9 September 2018
Voting system‎: ‎Party-list proportional representation
‎Parliament House, Stockholm - Posted on : 13-June-2018

House of Assembly

It's spooky how clever some ppl are. Thnksa! - Posted on : 10-March-2017

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